Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today's White Papers & Guides... Business Analytics & IT Security

Today on Business Analytics & IT Security...
  • Understanding Social & Collaborative BI - The Benefits & Potential | To achieve this collaborative decision-making (CDM) environment, Business Intelligence (BI) software is beginning to merge with Web 2.0 technologies, harnessing their rich, open-access, easy-to-use functionality that users have come to expect. The merging of BI and Web 2.0 technologies has given rise to the new concept of Social and Collaborative BI – a type of CDM platform. This white paper identifies the three major functions which form the basis of a CDM platform. (courtesy of Yellowfin)
  • How to Successfully Guide Your Data Migration Project - Whitepaper | Data migration projects can pose significant challenges for project leaders.
    For example, the project leader plays a critical role in ensuring a successful data migration but exactly what responsibilities and activities should project leaders fulfill?  There are many pitfalls awaiting the poorly skilled and inexperienced project leader and as a result far more data migration projects fail than succeed. The aim of this white paper is to help reverse this trend by providing expert advice and a set of best practices to help chart your data migration project to future success. (courtesy of DataFlux)
  • Exploring Self-Service BI - Cut Through the Hype & Examine the Reality | In this Quest Software white paper, “Are We Getting Any Closer to Self-Service BI?,” learn more about the trends and downsides of self-service BI. Cut through the hype, examine the reality, and review some of the requirements. Then, read about a cost-effective approach that can save your company money, your IT group headaches and your end users frustration. Read this white paper today. (courtesy of Quest Software)
  • Renewing ISO 27001 Certifications: A Look at How, Why & When | Read this free guide and learn how, why and when one company decided to implement ISO 27001. (courtesy of BSi)
  • How to Prevent Cross-site Scripting Attacks | Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are perhaps the most widespread of Web exploits preying on businesses and consumers. The flaws are relatively easy to find and easy to remediate, yet XSS remains a highly dangerous and, arguably, the most widespread of Web application attacks. In this white paper, you’ll learn more about the cross-site scripting threat, and how automated code testing can help detect and remediate it. (courtesy of VERACODE)
  • 3 Shortcomings of Group Policy For Managing User Privileges | This white paper looks at the challenges of using Group Policy for creating a privileged access management program for your Windows desktops and servers. (courtesy of BeyondTrust)
  • Search Engine Link Spam: The Risks, Threats & Solution You Should Know | Download this whitepaper and learn about the latest spammer ploy to get dangerous links past traditional defenses, and how you can find a proven, cost-effective solution. (courtesy of Symantec.Cloud)

Above information was possible thank you to Business Analytics Bulletin & IT Security Bulletin (eMedia Communications, LLC)
Sharing this information is intended as an informative activity without any direct profit objective.

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