Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today's White Papers & Guides... Business Analytics & IT Security

  • How to Use Advanced Analytics to Improve Customer Experience | Globalization, intense competition and the volatile economic climate are forcing companies to re-evaluate how they manage customer interactions.
    In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, a company’s voice application can become an important source of competitive advantage. Indeed, companies with top-performing voice applications typically have more satisfied customers, lower costs, and higher revenue per customer. Business Intelligence (BI) analytics and reporting is becoming an invaluable strategy for data analysis that provides a deeper understanding of what is happening in the voice application.

    In this whitepaper you will learn about the value of BI analytics and the rich information and insight you can gather to improve the customer experience and gain a competitive advantage. (courtesy of Angel - Redefine Voice)
  • How to Use KPIs for better Decision Making | Financial executives make decisions every day that are crucial to the
    company’s success. Those decisions need to be timely and they need to be
    based on solid data gathered from across the organization-information from
    a vast array of metrics related to resources, cash flow, budgets and variance
    from budgets, inventories, and much more.
    Read this free guide and learn how to better turn this data into tools for
    executive decision making. (courtesy of SAP)
  • How Improving Data Quality Drives Better DEcision Making - White Paper | Convincing your organization to view data as a strategic corporate asset can be challenging.
    The relationship between business processes and the data used and created by those processes is not always obvious and tangible. In other words, how does the organization’s data affect its business decisions and its ability to succeed? Download this white paper to find out more about this, and how to improve the quality of data in your organization. (courtesy of DataFlux)
  • 10 Things IT Should Be Doing (but isn't) - Free Resource Guide! | The mountain of tasks that IT is forced to handle daily never stops growing.
    New technology, compliance regulations, and internal management forces
    constant change.
    Do you know the ten things you should be doing?
    Read this free guide and learn the ten must do's that every IT employee
    should be doing in order to optimize your network. (courtesy of varonis)
  • How to Stop Malicious Attacks from Legitimate Sites - Free Video | Opening the door to the Internet has also been an open invitation to misuse by employees and malicious attacks from intruders. With the necessity of Web 2.0 and social media, as well as the rise of ecommerce, it's imperative that organizations reevaluate their current web security strategy.
    View this video tutorial and learn about the security problems your organization needs to fix, as well as the tools you need to do so. You'll learn about the issues and solutions facing IT today, including:
    • Malware threat protection
    • Mobile protection
    • Internet policy enforcement
    • and more!
    (courtesy of webroot)
  • How Secure is Google Apps? Top 10 Security Features Explored | Whether authorized or not, more and more employees are turning to Google messaging and collaboration solutions such as Gmail, Google Docs and Google Calendar for business purposes. These technologies, based in the cloud, are frequently used because of their reliability and accessibility. But are Google Apps secure enough for business use?
    Read this free guide and get a behind the scenes look at the security features of various Google Apps, from Access Control to Vulnerability Management. (courtesy of Google Apps)

Above information was possible thanks you to Business Analytics Bulletin and Security Bulletin (eMedia Communications, LLC)
Sharing this information is intended as an informative activity without any direct profit objective. 

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