Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today's White Papers & Guides... Cloud Computing

  • Exploring Cloud Provisioning - Tools & Procedures for Success | New, high demand IT environments utilizing Virtualization and Cloud Computing require a new approach toward provisioning an IT infrastructure.
    This white paper explores the move away from Web Operations 1.0 — mired in legacy tools, outdated approaches, and low expectations — and into Web Operations 2.0 where tools and procedures are built from the ground up for highly efficient, reliable, and agile operations. (courtesy of puppet labs)
  • Beginner's Guide to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure | Rising interest in the potential of virtual desktop infrastructure technology has been tempered by the difficulty vendors have faced in addressing the issue of the offline and mobile users.
    This paper explains how virtual desktop infrastructure offers tremendous potential and is generating much-deserved excitement in IT.
    Among topics covered:
    • Understanding conventional vs. offline VDI
    • Defining the types of offline VDI solutions
    • Meeting the needs of both user types
    (courtesy of Virtual Bridges)
  • New eBook - Essential Strategies for Using Cloud Computing | The advent of cloud computing, and particularly cloud storage, now offers organizations the ability to address problems with their entire storage plan, not just backup and recovery.
    Download this free eBook and learn strategies for using cloud computing to better store and secure enterprise data. Topics discussed include:
    • Three Business Needs Your Current Storage Plan Doesn’t Meet
    • Challenges and Special Considerations for Cloud Storage
    • Leveraging the Cloud for Storage and Disaster Recovery
    (courtesy of i365)
  • Best Practices for Adopting Cloud Services for Fax Communication | dopting cloud services for fax communication has steadily
    increased in recent years.
    As companies begin to integrate fax with their ERP applications, they
    no longer have to choose between efficiency, cost and functionality.
    This whitepaper details how organization can take advantage of fax
    as a cloud service without software or hardware and without sacrificing
    security or ERP integration. (courtesy of ESKER)
  • How to Run a Successful Cloud Pilot - Free eBook for Enterprises | Cloud computing is revolutionizing the way we use and pay for computing power. But the cloud is also a new environment, and many enterprises are uncertain about how to get started.
    Read this free eBook and learn how to run a successful cloud pilot on your network. Chapters in this eBook include:
    • Choosing the Application
    • Security and Networking Buy-In
    • Deploying and Running the Pilot
    • Measuring Performance
    • and more!
    (courtesy of CLOUDSWITCH)

Above information was possible thanks you to Cloud Computing Bulletin (eMedia Communications, LLC)
Sharing this information is intended as an informative activity without any direct profit objective. 

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