Wednesday, August 24, 2011

HP loses $400 Million due Touchpad liquidaton prices...

Might be you are aware that few days ago HP cut the price of its "TouchPad" tablet to $99... If you summarize the 200k units left over at Best Buy and who knows how many more remaining on stock out there, HP stands to lose big money. The real numbers are $400 million, caused entirely an just by the price cuts.

Besides these shocking news, HP guys are not only losing money on the basic tablet version, but also on the 32GB one that retails for $149. Also, they have been forced (by themselves and their image) to offer refunds to the people who bought the devices with the original prices. This situation is not happening in America only, Canada and Australia are also supposed to get price cuts, as does the UK, where the 16GB model is found at 89 quid.

What’s really bad here is that a 16GB TouchPad costs $306 to make or $318 for the 32GB more, so HP is selling them for big losses. We remind you that last week HP announced that they will give up webOS devices, sell off the PC business and buy enterprise search company Autonomy. This news comes a year after HP bought Palm specifically for the webOS platform, that it has now killed… Such a pity, since this OS had great potential.

Source: Tablet News, based on The Inquirer

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