Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today's White Papers & Guides... Backup Recovery & IT Security

This time on Backup Recovery & IT Security:
  • The Limits of Traditional Disaster Recovery & How to Overcome Them | In this free paper, you'll learn about the limits of traditional disaster recovery and current trends that further complicate IT operations teams' ability to deliver high levels of ability. You'll also find out how successful
    enterprises are using WAN as a storage transport resource for disaster recovery. (courtesy of riverbed)
  • The Key Differences Between Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery | Download this free guide and learn what the recommended best practices are for business continuity and disaster recovery. Learn more about the differences between BC and DR, and what strategies you should implement for adequate protection. (courtesy of riverbed)
  • How to Enhance Microsoft SharePoint Security: 3 Security Risks Resolved | Read this white paper to learn how to enhance SharePoint security while also addressing three important security risks:
    • Control access to sensitive documents
    • Prevent unauthorized modification of documents
    • Raise awareness of sensitive information
    (courtesy of TITUS)
  • Protect Your Business From SQL Injection and Others Attacks - Whitepaper | Stories about compromised sensitive data frequently mention culprits such as “cross-site scripting,” “SQL injection,” and “buffer overflow”. Vulnerabilities like these often fall outside the traditional expertise of network security managers. The relative obscurity of web application vulnerabilities thus makes them useful for attacks. The white paper examines the typical web application vulnerabilities, and compares options for detection. (courtesy of Qualys)
  • Protect Your Blindside - Guide to Plugging Latest Security Holes | This whitepaper will inform you about Advancements in Network Security that will allow you to see everything on your network and take action towards implementing network security solutions. (courtesy of ForeScout)
  • How Hackers Infect Web Servers - Attack Techniques Explained | This free guide will help you understand the threat from malware and how it can impact your online business. You’ll learn how criminals infect web servers to make distribution possible as well as the techniques you can use to detect when and how attackers have compromised your web server. (courtesy of Symantec)
  • How to Enforce a Viable Access Control & Identity Management Model | It is critically important that governments and private and public corporations be able to certify that access control and access to information are regularly monitored and enforced. Furthermore, as more organizations become increasingly decentralized and mobile, with branch offices, home offices, and remote employees, the need for access management and control is greater than ever. This IDC white paper examines some of the solutions which are available to enforce a viable access control and identity management model. (courtesy of courion)

Above information was possible thank you to Backup Recovery Bulletin & IT Security Bulletin (eMedia Communications, LLC)
Sharing this information is intended as an informative activity without any direct profit objective.

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