Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today's White Papers & Guides...

  • Why USB Malware is so Successful - Understanding the Threat | It’s pretty easy for organizations to get so wrapped up about what goes out on USB drives that they forget to protect against what comes in their environments via USB. And with attacks inflicting increasingly greater damage following uncontrolled connection, it’s time that organizations got serious about this threat.
    Read this free guide and learn why USB malware is so successful, and how you can eliminate these threats to your network. (courtesy of Lumension)
  • The 5 Types of Cyber-Criminals That Hack Into Corporate Networks | Cybercrime and cybercriminals have been around since businesses first began using the Internet for commerce. The rate of cybercrime and its cost to businesses have increased dramatically over time, transforming cybercrime from a minor inconvenience to a significant risk that must be appropriately managed.
    Read this free guide and learn more about the five generations of cyber-criminals, including the current generation of schemes:
    • Next Gen Pay-Per-Install
    • Malware Tech Support
    • "Point and Click" Cybercrime
    • Advanced Persistent Threats
    (courtesy of Dell Secure Works)
  • The Security Risks of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn | he popularity of social networking sites has increased at astonishing levels.
    They can be used for professional networking and job searches, as a means to increase sales revenue, as a tool to keep the public informed of safety and other issues or as a way to reconnect with friends from way-back-when. But, each of these tools comes with its own set of security concerns which can put your information systems and/or personal data at risk. This white paper will look at some of these risks and identify possible solutions to help protect you, your personal information and your company data, when using:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Linked In
    (courtesy of GFI)
  • The 7 Standards of Cloud Computing Service Delivery | n economic times like these, leading companies are looking to cloud-
    computing applications and IT Help Desk is increasingly in demand. 
    This paper outlines best practices for selecting cloud-computing solutions, including the seven standards of cloud computing service delivery. (courtesy of e Media)
  • What's Missing From Your Disaster Recovery Plan? | When most IT professionals think of a disaster recovery plan, they think big, really big, like an earthquake, fire, flood, etc., where the data center is totally inaccessible. To protect against this scenario elaborate data replication technologies are usually deployed with the primary focus of getting data out of the building.
    What is missing from most disaster recovery plans is accommodation for the smaller, less newsworthy events like a server outage, storage failure, or application outage. These can seem too small to plan for or simply be forgotten, yet they can end up being the most costly disasters of all.
    Read this free guide and learn how to determine what are the missing pieces from your disaster recovery plan. (courtesy of neverfail)
  • Protect Your Most important Assets With Access Certification | Today, companies are more dependent than ever on computer systems to gather, analyze and process a wide variety of vital IT resources, including sensitive data.
    Sensitive data, is by definition:
    • Personal information
    • Financial data
    • Health data
    • Company confidential data
    Sensitive data should only be available to those with a legitimate business purpose to access it. With access to this data comes the responsibility to ensure that it is kept secure.  This white paper explores a strategy which will put you on the path to enterprise risk reduction. (courtesy of courion)
  • How Vistualization Impacts Backup & Recovery Planning - New Guide | The increasing adoption of virtualization is due to the clear benefits and cost savings it provides.
    As a result, virtualization is no longer strictly an enterprise technology; it is increasingly being adopted by IT groups in small and mid-size businesses (SMBs). However, those organizations are quickly learning that virtualization can also increase complexity in certain areas of IT, particularly in data protection. If you’re considering or have already implemented a server virtualization, you need to understand how it impacts data backup and recovery, and plan accordingly, which is examined in this white paper. (courtesy of i365)

Above information was possible thanks you to Cloud Computing Bulletin, Backup + Recovery Bulletin and Security Bulletin (eMedia Communications, LLC)
Sharing this information is intended as an informative activity without any direct profit objective. 

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